KPPK 111 Bunyi Bel

Composer: Harry John Bollback, 1958

Arranger: Harry John Bollback, 1958

Bunyi bel dan lonceng yang memb'ritakan,
bahwa di kota Daud, Kristus t'lah lahir.
Lahir-Nya dan mati-Nya, memb'riku hidup kekal,
di situ, dipalungan, Kristus t'lah lahir.
Allah utus Anak-Nya, lahir bagi manusia,
rela datang ke dunia, memb'rikan hidup kekal-Nya.
Bunyi bel dan lonceng, yang memb'ritakan,
bahwa Dia telah lahir, kini tetap hiduplah.
Ring the bells, ring the bells. Let the whole world know
Christ was born in Bethlehem many years ago;
Born to die that man might live, came to earth new life to give.
Born of Mary, born so low, many years ago.
God the Father gave His Son. Gave His own beloved One.
To this wicked, sinful earth. To bring mankind His love, new birth;
Ring the bells, ring the bells. Let the whole world know
Christ the Savior lives today as He did so long ago!