Composer: John Wimber
Arranger: John Wimber
Semoga Roh Anak Allah, dan kasih-Nya padamu,
memenuhi hatimu dan jiwamu,
O turunlah Allah Roh Kudus, 'gar kau taat pada-Nya,
kau dapat hidup dan jadi milik-Nya.
Yesus, O penuhilah hatiku.
Yesus, O penuhilah hatiku.
Semoga kau naikkan pujian, hatimu penuh girang,
Pujilah nama Tuhan Yesus Kristus,
O biarkan Dia hibur susahmu, dan hapus air matamu,
kau dapat hidup bersandar nama-Nya.
Oh let the Son of God enfold you,
with His Spirit and His love,
let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul.
Oh let Him have the things that hold you,
and His Spirit like a dove,
will descend upon your life, and make you whole.
Jesus, oh Jesus, come and fill your lambs.
Jesus, oh Jesus, come and fill your lambs.
Oh come and sing this song with gladness,
as your hearts are filled with joy,
lift your hands in sweet surrender to His name.
Oh give Him all your tears and sadness,
give Him all your years of pain,
and you'll enter into life in Jesus' name.