Composer: Tedd Smith
Arranger: Tedd Smith
Di mana kita berkumpul, ada pengertian bersama,
inilah janji Tuhanku, bersatu di dalam-Nya,
kasih-Nya penuhi kita, roti hidup Ia berikan,
inilah janji Tuhanku, bersatu di dalam-Nya.
Ia beserta dengan kita, bagi berkat dalam Roh-Nya,
semua anak dan umat-Nya, bersatu di dalam-Nya,
bersyukurlah pada Yesus, kehendak-Nya Ia tunjukkan,
Ia tuntun jalan hidupku, 'ku bersyukurlah.
There's a quiet understanding when we're gathered in the Spirit,
it's a promise that He gives us, when we gather in His name.
There's a love we feel in Jesus, there's a manna that He feeds us,
it's a promise that He gives us, when we gather in His name.
And we know when whe're together, sharing love and understanding,
that our brothers and our sisters feel the oneness that He brings.
Thank You, thank You, Jesus, for the way You love and feed us,
for the many ways You lead us, thank You, thank You, Lord.