KPPK 318 Yesuslah Hidupku

Composer: Ralph Carmichael

Arranger: Ralph Carmichael

Kulihat bintang ciptaan-Nya,
akan keagungan sabda-Nya,
walau Dia mengatur alam,
apa artinya?
Kelahiran-Nya kurayakan,
kar'na ada dalam sejarah,
datang membebaskan manusia,
apa artinya?
Akhirnya 'ku bertemu Tuhan,
aku rasakan anug'rah-Nya,
Dia bukan Tuhan yang tinggal jauh dari aku,
dan yang mengabaikanku,
kini aku ditemani-Nya,
dan 'ku selalu dijaga-Nya,
memimpin sepanjang hidupku,
Yesuslah hidupku.
In the stars His handiwork I see,
on the wind He speaks with majesty,
Though He ruleth over land and sea,
what is that to me?
I will celebrate nativity,
for it has a place in history,
Sure, He came to set His people free,
what is that to me?
'Till by faith I met Him face to face
and I felt the wonder of His grace,
then I knew that He was more than just a God who didn't care,
who lived away out there. And
now He walks beside me day by day,
ever watching o'ver me lest I stray,
helping me to find that narrow way,
He's everything to me.